The Balance Between Land Use and Quality of Life
Hosted by
LANDMARK WEST!, Historic Districts Council’s
League of Preservation Voters & Fordham University
Moderated by
Lesley Massiah-Arthur, Associate Vice President for Government Relations and Urban Affairs, Fordham University
All 51 City Council seats are up for election this year with partisan primaries scheduled for September 12th and the general election following on November 7th. Join us on Monday, July 31st from 6-7:30 for a District 6 — Upper West Side Candidate’s Forum!
District 6 incumbent Helen Rosenthal (D) will join fellow candidates Cary Goodman, David Owens (site forthcoming), William Raudenbush, and Mel Wymore to discuss the important preservation, land use and development issues faced by YOU, the citizenry of Council District 6.
There will be brief opening remarks followed by questions from the floor. Make your voice heard! Topics to include landmarks and historic districts; small business retention and support; zoning; the accumulation and use of development rights; the protection of public assets such as parks, light and air; citizens’ rights to information; and access to the decision-making process.
This event is FREE but we ask that you RSVP HERE
Special thanks to FORDHAM UNIVERSITY for hosting.
We always hear about the rights of democracy, but the major responsibility of it is participation. Wynton Marsalis