We’ve told you about how A new breed of skyscraper threatens to devastate the fabric of New York* and now, after over four years of following West 66th Street, a home-grown “E.T.,” we have our first opportunity to publicly speak out at a city agency hearing regarding the 127-unit development seeking bragging rights over the Upper West Side.
The BSA (Board of Standards and Appeals) will hear LANDMARK WEST!’s appeal against the 127-unit West 66th Street tower on:
Tuesday, August 6th beginning at 10am
Our lawyers, Klein Slowik PLLC, have outlined several arguments as to why the permit should be revoked. Key among them:
– The Owner’s attempts to exempt the Voids from floor area should be rejected, as the Voids are neither “used for mechanical equipment” nor are they accessory uses to the residential uses in the Tower. (There are a cumulative 239 feet–almost 24 typical stories–of vertical void space in this tower, 196 feet of which–almost 20 typical stories–is identified as “mechanical”).
– Floor area calculations are contrary to two sections of the Zoning Resolution which work in tandem to limit building height in the Special Lincoln Square District: the a.) “Bulk Packing Rule and b.) “Split Lot Rule”. (The developer is choosing to selectively apply portions of the Zoning Resolution independent of one another for means adverse to the written intent).
While these are the basic premise of our case as first outlined by our original Department of Buildings (DOB) Challenge prepared by George Janes, our lawyers have drawn on extensive case law and precedent to defend the community.
We encourage you to show up to hear the oral arguments, voice your opposition, and defend the UWS from zoning and land use malefaction.
See you at 10am next Tuesday at the Board of Standards and Appeals, 22 Reade Street
And follow the fight against the SUPERTALLS at:
* Article co-authored by LW! Board Members Peter Samton and Page Cowley