11 West 69th Street
Knust, Leo F. | BrickStoneTerra Cotta | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Central Park West and Columbus Avenue and West 69th Street | Neo-Renaissance | Apartment Building | 11 West 69th Street 11 West 69th Street A 11 West 69th Street Date: 1927-28 NB Number: 382-1927 Type: Apartment Building Architect: Knust, Leo F. Developer/Owner/Builder: 11 West 69th Street Corp. NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District Landmark Designation...
107 West 69th Street
Thom & Wilson | Brownstone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway and Columbus Avenue and West 69th Street | Renaissance RevivalRomanesque Revival | Rowhouse | 107 West 69th Street 107-109 West 69th Street A 107-109 West 69th Street B 107-109 West 69th Street E 107-109 West 69th Street D 107-109 West 69th Street C 107 West 69th StreetsmA 107 West 69th Street 107 West 69th Street A 107 West 69th Street B 107 West 69th Street...
120 West 69th Street (St. Stephens P.E. Church Rectory)
Huss, George Martin | Brick | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway and Columbus Avenue and West 69th Street | Neo-GrecRomanesque Revival | RectoryRowhouse | 120 West 69th Street (St. Stephens P.E. Church Rectory) 120 West 69th Street A 120 West 69th Street B LP1647_1113_120W69thSt 120 West 69th Street Date: 654-1884 NB Number: 1884-85 Type: Rectory and Rowhouse Architect: Huss, George Martin Developer/Owner/Builder:...