Year 6, and LW! continues the MARCH for you.

On December 7th, 2020 LANDMARK WEST! filed our Article 78 asking the NY State Supreme Court to review the BSA’s 2-2 tie decision to allow HUGE mechanical void floors to jack up the height of the proposed building at 50 W. 66th. Despite market shifts and safety concerns, the developer has held firm, as have we–speaking out about this unstainable trend, and remain hopeful for legislation from the State Assembly and Senate to prevent similar tactics from threatening other New York neighborhoods.
Both the Developer and City requested extensions and have now responded.
They remain in a state of ‘denial’
Continuing what is now years of standard practice of denying the community justice from unintended interpretation of the zoning laws, the developer and city continue to deny our requests.
So what happens now? The community (YOU!) gets to reply. Our lawyers have another filing deadline on Wednesday, March 3rd. Then on Friday, March 5th, the case is submitted to our judge for consideration and the scheduling of oral arguments.
Catch up on the full history of this issue on our dedicated webpage.
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