Columbus Avenue (101 W. 60th)
Block: 1132 Lot: 29 (128)
Street: Columbus Avenue and West 60th Street
Date of Construction: 1938
NB Permit: 149-38
Architect: Feldman, H.I.
Owner: Gomatel Realty & Construction
Use: Tenement
1900 Census N/A
1910 Census N/A
1920 Census N/A
1930 Census N/A
1940 Census
Ward: 31-374
# of Households: 57
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 17
Countries: Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Russia, and Scotland
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 3
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: 1
Countries: Norway
1950 Census
Ward: 31-344
# of Households: 65
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 21
Countries: Canada, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Spain, and Sweden
New York Times URL: LINK
Notes: Replaces six flats with stores built in 1886 per RER&BG 05/29/1886 p. 731
Images Courtesy NYC Municipal Archive.