161 West 61st Street (Powers Mem. Academy; NY Infant Asylum)
Block: 1133 Lot: 1
Street: West 61st Street
Date of Construction: 1915
NB Permit:
Style: Classical Revival
Owner: The Congregation of Christian Brothers
Use: High School
1910 Census
Ward: 1318
Assistants, Servants and Children Recorded (at this time was the NY Infant Asylum)
1920 Census
Ward: 455
# of Households: 71 (employees, doctors and nurses)
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 15
Countries: Canada, Denmark, and England
1930 Census
Ward: 372
# of Households: 90 (nurses, doctors, maids)
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 22
Countries: Canada, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, and Switzerland
The New York Infant Asylum closed in 1934.
1940 Census Not Listed
1950 Census
Ward: 31-340
# of Households: 22 Brothers
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 6
Countries: Canada and Ireland
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 3 (hired hands)
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: 3
Countries: Ireland
Notes: In 1900, there was a tenement at this location. No. 159 which had 17 families and multiple boarders, all of which were African American. See NB 795-1900 (4-story asylum), NB 809-1904 (2-story hospital pavilion), NB 170-1920 (1-story dispensary), NB 205-1951 (2-story gymnasium).
Images Courtesy NYC Municipal Archive.