153-159 West 64th Street

153-159 West 64th Street (Transport Hall)


Block:  1136      Lot: 11
Street:  West 64th Street
Date of Construction
NB Permit: 302-1921 (?)
Architect:  Haefeli, Walter
Style:  Renaissance Revival
Owner: Society of Professional Automobile Engineers of the U.S.
Use:  Clubhouse

1930 Census
Ward: 31-382
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 19
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: 5
Countries:  France, Holland, and Ireland

Notes: 8-story (in original permit) clubhouse, perhaps later changed to 4-story

Replaced rowhouses built here in 1887 per RER&BG 04/09/1887 p. 503. In 1910, there was a significant Puerto Rican presence at this earlier building. See NB 1032-1906 by William B. Tuthill for 6-story sanitarium.

Images Courtesy NYC Municipal Archive. 


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