136 West 65th Street
Block: 1136 Lot: 46
Street: West 65th Street
Date of Construction: 1887
NB Permit: 1506-87
Architect: Schneider & Herter
Style: Beaux Arts
Owner: J.B. E & W. Fuller
Use: Dwelling
1900 Census
Ward: N/A
1910 Census
Ward: 1314
# of Households: 1
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 3
1920 Census
Ward: 7-537
# of Households: 1
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 1
Countries: Cuba
1930 Census
Ward: 31-382
# of Households: 3
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 9
1940 Census
Ward: 31-623
# of Households: 6
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 3
Countries: England, Poland, and Russia
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 1
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: 1
Countries: Poland
1950 Census
Ward: 31-327
# of Households: 8
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 2
Countries: England and Germany
All Images Courtesy of NYC Municipal Archive.