307 West 93rd Street
307 West 93rd Street
NB Number:Â NB 296-1898
Type: Â Flats
Architect: Â Neville & Bagge
Developer/Owner/Builder:Â Joseph & J Arthur Pinchek
NYC Landmarks Designation:Â Historic District
Landmark Designation Report:Â Â Riverside Drive- West End Historic District
National Register Designation:Â N/A
Primary Style: Â Renaissance Revival
Primary Facade: Â Â Beige Brick, Limestone, and Roman Brick
Stories:Â 6
Window Type/Material:Â One-over-one double-hung/Wood
Structure: West 93rd Street Facade: Located on the north side of West 93rd Street 125 feet east of West End Avenue, this six-story small multiple dwelling (flats) is fifty feet wide.and is faced with beige Roman brick above a two-story rusticated limestone base. At the center of the first story, a classically inspired enframement contains the large arched entrance. The six window openings at the second story are arched, as are those at the sixth story. Three story bowed oriel windows articulate paired bays at each end of the facade from the third to fifth stories; these feature decorative terra-cotta surrounds and are flanked by brick quoins. The two central windows at each of these stories have decorative splayed terra-cotta lintels and keystones. The arches at the sixth-story windows have raised hoods. The original one-over-one double-hung wood sash remains in some of the windows. A modillioned iron cornice caps the whole. Eastern Elevation: Most of the eastern elevation has been stuccoed. shallow return near the facade is beige Roman brick.
Historic District: Riverside Drive- West End HD
Alterations:Â The glass and aluminum double door and arched transom are replacements. The first and second stories have been painted gray. A recent wrought-iron fence encloses the recessed areaway and lines the low stoop. Recent wrought iron grilles are located at the two eastern basement windows. Brown aluminum one-over-one sash appear in the two eastern windows at the basement, first, and fifth stories, and in the two western windows at the fourth story. A fire escape is located at the center of the facade.
History: The prolific architectural firm of Neville & Bagge designed this building, erected in 1898-99, for the development firm of Joseph & J. Arthur Pinchek. Neville & Bagge designed two other buildings in the district: Nos. 130-133 Riverside Drive and 590-598 West End Avenue. No. 307 West 93rd Street is known as the Stuart Studio Apartments. Selected Reference: New York City Department of Taxes Photograph Collection, Municipal Archives and Record Collection, E 1293.