Landmarks Preservation Commission Public Meeting/Hearing 9am-5pm
NYC Board of Standards & Appeals 22 Reade Street, New York, NY, United StatesSee our C of A page for information on upcoming hearings concerning the Upper West Side.
See our C of A page for information on upcoming hearings concerning the Upper West Side.
See our C of A page for information on upcoming hearings concerning the Upper West Side.
See our C of A page for information on upcoming hearings concerning the Upper West Side.
A public hearing on the revised rules amendments proposed by the LPC will be held at 1:30 PM. The revised rules can be found here for your review. See our Certificate of Appropriateness (C of A) page for information on other items that may be heard concerning the Upper West Side.
The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission holds hearings and meetings to review applications to alterations to individual landmarks and landmarks within historic districts. These sessions are open to the public. LANDMARK WEST! prepares testimony for every hearing item for an Upper West Side landmark. See details on past and upcoming items on our Certificate […]
The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission holds hearings and meetings to review applications to alterations to individual landmarks and landmarks within historic districts. These sessions are open to the public. LANDMARK WEST! prepares testimony for every hearing item for an Upper West Side landmark. See details on past and upcoming items on our Certificate […]
The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission holds hearings and meetings to review applications to alterations to individual landmarks and landmarks within historic districts. These sessions are open to the public. LANDMARK WEST! prepares testimony for every hearing item for an Upper West Side landmark. See details on past and upcoming items on our Certificate […]
The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission will hold a Hearing/Meeting to discuss upcoming designations and certificate of appropriateness applications. Please check our C of A page for upcoming UWS items up for consideration.
The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission will hold a Hearing/Meeting to discuss upcoming designations and certificate of appropriateness applications. Please check our C of A page for upcoming UWS items up for consideration.
The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission will hold a Hearing/Meeting to discuss upcoming designations and certificate of appropriateness applications. This hearing will be held VIA ZOOM. Please check our C of A page for upcoming UWS items up for consideration and ZOOM instructions from the LPC.