JOIN Manhattan Electeds on Monday, July 16th

Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer
State Senator Liz Krueger (Rep)
Council Member Ben Kallos in tandem with

FRIENDS of the UES Historic DistrictsCarnegie Hill Neighbors, and LW!

On the steps of City Hall at 11:15am. We will be calling on the Board of Standards and Appeals to rule against the creation of small unbuildable lots designed to sidestep zoning regulations and against the gerrymandering of lots by developers for the same purpose.  This is a city-wide issue demanding immediate attention!

AND mark your calendar for key BSA ITEMS 

The Board of Standards and Appeals is expected to hear 180 East 88th Street and to vote on 200 Amsterdam Avenue — two development sites which have sought to circumvent the accepted underlying zoning.

180 East 88th Street on the Upper East Side and
200 Amsterdam Avenue on the Upper West Side

Tuesday, July 17th at the BSA, Spector Hall, 22 Reade Street beginning at 10am.

Read full MEDIA ADVISORY from Council Member Ben Kallos HERE.