LW! has secured a $5,000 challenge grant to help bring community legal counsel on board to fight 200 Amsterdam, which (if built) would be the tallest tower in Manhattan north of 60th Street. Matching funds are needed by May 25!
SUPPORT this effort with a tax-deductible contribution to LW! so that we can build a fund to fight this project. Any amount helps! You can earmark your donation by giving online here or writing “LW! Fund to Fight 200 Amsterdam” in the memo of your check made payable to LANDMARK WEST! (we are a 501c3 nonprofit) and mailed to 45 West 67th Street, NYC 10023.
VOLUNTEER your time and expertise to review information being assembled related to real estate on the superblock between Amsterdam and West End Avenues, 66th to 70th Street – email us at landmarkwest@landmarkwest.org
On May 15, George Janes (hired by the Committee for Environmentally Sound Development) will file a Zoning Challenge with the Department of Buildings demonstrating the ways 200 Amsterdam does not comply with the rules governing land use in our neighborhood.
Please stay tuned!