Landmarks Applications

Certificate of Appropriateness

Landmarks Applications: Certificate of Appropriateness

appropriate [uh-proh-pree-it] suitable or fitting for a particular purpose …but I thought that was a landmark?!? Have you ever wondered how neighbors in landmark buildings can add rooftop additions?  Rear yard extensions?  Alter stoops?  Even the staunchest of preservationists knows that in vibrant communities, changes in the built environment are inevitable. Although landmarks are protected, they are not frozen in time. They depend on our constant stewardship for appropriate maintenance and change. When owners of landmark buildings wish to make changes, they need to apply to the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission for what’s called a Certificate of Appropriateness (C of A). LW’s C of A Committee works with building owners and their architects to advise on design and protect the integrity of our constantly evolving neighborhood.

Past C of A Items ~ 2015

Open the toggles to see the building details.

277 West End Avenue
277 West End Ave (@73) A_SMBuilding address and name:   277 West End Avenue
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status:  West End-Collegiate Historic District Extension
Original Architect:  George & Edward Blum
Original Date of Construction:  1925-26
LPC hearing date:  February 2, 2016

Presentation Materials

18 West 75th Street
18 West 75th StreetBuilding address and name:  18 West 75th Street
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status: Upper West Side Central Park West Historic District
Original Architect:  John C. Burne
Style:  Renaissance Revival Style with Queen Anne Elements
Original Date of Construction:  1889/1890
LPC Application: Construct mechanical bulkheads, alter the entry, expand an existing rear yard addition, excavate the rear yard and construct a cellar level addition, and alter the windows
LPC hearing date:  December 15th, 2015

Presentation Materials

Read LW! Testimony

266 West End Avenue
Building address and name:   266 West End Avenue
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status:  West End-Collegiate Historic District Extension
Original Architect:  Rudolphe L. Daus
Original Date of Construction:  1895-96
LPC hearing date:  March 22, 2016

Presentation Materials

2109 Broadway

View of Margot Patisserie, 01.13.2016

Building address and name:   2109 Broadway
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status:  Individual Landmark
Original Architect:  Paul DuBoy
Original Date of Construction:  1899-1904
LPC hearing date:  January 19, 2016

Presentation Materials

Check out this building in our Building Database!


878 West End Avenue
Building address and name:  878 West End Avenue
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status: Riverside-West End Historic District Extension II
Original Architect:  Rosario Candela
Style:  Renaissance Revival Style
Original Date of Construction:  1889/1890
LPC Application: Install Door and Sidelights
LPC hearing date: December 8th, 2015

Presentation Materials

Read LW! Testimony


378 West End Avenue
IMG_4576_SMALLBuilding address and name:  378 West End Avenue
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status: West End Collegiate Historic District Extension
Original Architect:  Schwartz & Gross
Style: Renaissance Revival Style Apartment Building
Original Date of Construction:  1914-1915
LPC Application: Construct a rooftop addition, replace windows, create and fill in window openings, install a green wall, install a canopy, replace doors and create sidewalk gardens
LPC hearing date: December 8th, 2015

Presentation Materials

Read LW! Testimony

260 West 78th Street

Platen Hall, Image Taken 1/18/2016

Building address and name:  260 West 78th Street
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status: West End Collegiate Historic District Extension
Original Architect:  Ballard Todd Associates 1965-67 and Helpern Architects 1990
Style:  “No Style” Designation
Original Date of Construction:  1965-67
LPC hearing date: December 8th, 2015

Read LW! Testimony

320 West 88th Street
320 West 88th StreetBuilding address and name:   320 West 88th Street
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status: Riverside West End Historic District
Original Architect: Clarence True
Original Date of Construction:  1889-90
LPC Application: Construct rear yard and rooftop additions
LPC hearing date:  November 24th, 2015

Presentation Materials

Read LW! Testimony


949 West End Avenue
Building ad949 West End Avenuedress and name:   949 West End Avenue
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status: Riverside West End Historic District Extension II
Original Architect: Schwartz and Gross
Original Date of Construction:  1915
LPC Application: Replace Cornice
LPC hearing date:  November 24th, 2015

Presentation Materials

Read LW! Testimony

55 Central Park West
Buildin55 Central Park Westg address and name:   55 Central Park West
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status:  Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District
Original Architect:  Schwartz and Gross
Original Date of Construction:  1930
LPC Application: Construct a Trellis, Install Mechanical Equipment and Replace a Window
LPC hearing date: November 24, 2015

Presentation Materials

Read LW! Testimony

219 West 71st Street
94822834Building address and name: 219 West 71st Street
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status: West End Collegiate Historic District Extension
Original Architect: Buchman and Deisler
Original Date of Construction: 1891
LPC Application: Install a Barrier-Free Lift in the Areaway
LPC hearing date:  November 10th, 2015

Presentation Materials

Read LW! Testimony

313 Columbus Avenue
313-columbus-avenue-b_web-300x300Building address and name: 313 Columbus Avenue
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status: Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District
Original Architect: Frederick T. Camp
Original Date of Construction: 1889-90
LPC Application:  Install a New Storefront and Signage
LPC hearing date:  October 27th, 2015

Presentation Materials

Read LW! Testimony

7 West 92nd Street
93959445Building address and name: 7 West 92nd Street, aka The Raleigh
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status: Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District
Original Architect: Gilbert A. Schellenger
Original Date of Construction: 1889-90
LPC Application: Install New Windows
LPC hearing date:  October 27th, 2015

Presentation Materials

Read LW! Testimony

1 West 67th Street
005-r_cropBuilding address and name:   1 West 67th Street
Building’s Historic District and or Individual Landmark Status: Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District
Original Architect: George M. Pollard
Original Date of Construction: 1915-18
LPC Application: Replace Windows
LPC hearing date: October 13, 2015

Presentation Materials

Read LW! Testimony

Join our C of A Committee

Does the thought of shaping changes in our neighborhood interest you?  LW’s C of A Committee members are key players in shaping the Upper West Side’s future.  We welcome architects, designers, historians, attorneys, real estate professionals and anyone interested in volunteering skills and expertise in the pursuit of stewardship of our neighborhood.  The Committee typically meets monthly to review all applications for changes to landmark sites within Community District 7 scheduled to be heard at the Landmarks Preservation Commission, Art Commission and other public forums. Email Sean Khorsandi, or call (212) 496-8110 for further details.

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