Volunteer for LW!
Volunteers are the backbone of LW! We could not accomplish everything that we do without you. Contact us at landmarkwest@landmarkwest.org to tell us about your interests, skills, and availability.
Volunteer your Time
- Help out at LW! events… and get in for free!
- Assist with mailings
- Help out around the office
- Present testimony at public hearings
- Provide information to people during street fairs
- Report unauthorized work on landmark buildings near your UWS home or office (in other words… be a preservation watchdog!)
Volunteer your Expertise
Offer pro-bono professional services in your field of expertise, such as:
- Architecture and planning (consider joining our design review committee)
- Graphic design or printing
- Web design and maintenance
- Legal assistance
- Writing (articles for newsletters, blog, and other publications)
- Youth education (curriculum development, program evaluation)
Volunteer your Goods & Services!
- Provide food and/or beverages for LW! events
- Host a LW! event at your home or office
- Set up meetings where LW! can present our mission and programs to your building’s board, tenants association, block association, or other neighborhood affiliations
Connect with LW!

Ice Cream Makes the World a Sweeter Place
By Claudie Benjamin Savor a sugar cone filled with a large scoop of Blue Marble Ice Cream. You may not be aware that you’re enjoying a very blue, peanut butter, and marshmallow crème-streaked edible abstraction of the view of the earth from outer space. Not only that,...

Keeping an Awesome Architectural Treasure Intact
By Claudie Benjamin Architect Kevin Bone says grand old buildings “are like aging people who find they need more and a greater variety of health care as time goes by.” Hard to be grander than the Manhasset, a beaux-arts style that takes up the frontage on Broadway...