Volunteer for LW!

Volunteers are the backbone of LW!  We could not accomplish everything that we do without you. Contact us at landmarkwest@landmarkwest.org to tell us about your interests, skills, and availability.

Volunteer your Time

  • Help out at LW! events… and get in for free!
  • Assist with mailings
  • Help out around the office
  • Present testimony at public hearings
  • Provide information to people during street fairs
  • Report unauthorized work on landmark buildings near your UWS home or office (in other words… be a preservation watchdog!)

Volunteer your Expertise

Offer pro-bono professional services in your field of expertise, such as:

  • Architecture and planning (consider joining our design review committee)
  • Graphic design or printing
  • Web design and maintenance
  • Legal assistance
  • Writing (articles for newsletters, blog, and other publications)
  • Youth education (curriculum development, program evaluation)

Volunteer your Goods & Services!

  • Provide food and/or beverages for LW! events
  • Host a LW! event at your home or office
  • Set up meetings where LW! can present our mission and programs to your building’s board, tenants association, block association, or other neighborhood affiliations

Connect with LW!

Events Calendar

Calendar of Events

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W Wed

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S Sat

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September 20th, 1966

September 20th, 1966

September 20th, 1966 - On this day, The Belnord Apartments at 225 West 86th Street was designated as the Upper West Side's second Individual Landmark, Also on this day, Portuguese-American musician Nuno Bettencourt, rock guitarist for the band Extreme, was born in...

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July 19th, 1966

July 19th, 1966

July 19, 1966 - On this day, The New-York Historical Society at 170 Central Park West was designated as the Upper West Side's *FIRST* Individual Landmark, Also on this day, Actress Nancy [Walls] Carrell (SNL, The Office) was born. Singer Frank Sinatra (50)...

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