Schneider & Herter | Granite | Riverside Drive- West End HD | West 88th Street | Synagogue | 257-265 West 88th Street Bnai_Jeshurun_a Bnai_Jeshurun_b Bnai_Jeshurun_c Bnai_Jeshurun_e Bnai_Jeshurun_f Bnai_Jeshurun_g Bnai_Jeshurun_h Bnai_Jeshurun_i Bnai_Jeshurun_j Bnai_Jeshurun_k 257-265 West 88th Street Date: 1917-18 NB Number: NB 15-1917 Type: Synagogue...
True, Clarence | BrickGraniterock-faced graniteStone | West End - Collegiate HD | West 78th Street | Eclectic Renaissance Revival | Rowhouse | 322 West 78th Street 322 West 78th Street A 322 West 78th Street B 322 West 78th Street C 322 West 78th Street D 322 West 78th Street Date: 1894-95 NB Number: NB 740-94 Block: 1186 Lot: 43 Type: Rowhouse Architect: True, Clarence Developer/Owner/Builder: Clarence...
Herbst & Rusciano with Rothstein, Gregg | BrickGranite | West End-Collegiate HD Extension | West 75th Street | None | Apartment BuildingRowhouse | 255 West 75th Street 251 West 75th Street, 253 West 75th Street, 257 West 75th Street 255 West 75th Street_B 255 West 75th Street_A 255 West 75th Street Date: 1957-60 (original); 2002-04 (alteration) ALT Number: probably ALT 764-1957; ALT 103277990 Type: Apartment...
Schwartz & Gross | BrickGraniteLimestoneTerra Cotta | West End-Collegiate HD Extension | West 74th Street and West End Avenue | Colonial Revival | Apartment Building | 300 West End Avenue 257 West 74th Street, 259 West 74th Street 300 West End Avenue_C 300 West End Avenue_B 300 West End Avenue_A 300 West End Avenue Date: 1916-17 NB Number: NB 233-1916 Type: Apartment Building Architect: Schwartz & Gross...
Blum, George and Edward | BrickGraniteLimestoneRed BrickTerra Cotta | West End-Collegiate HD Extension | West 73rd Street and West End Avenue | Medieval Revival | Apartment Building | 277 West End Avenue 269 West End Avenue, 271 West End Avenue, 273 West End Avenue, 275 West End Avenue, 279 West End Avenue; 300 West 73rd Street, 302 West 73rd Street, 304 West 73rd Street 277 West End Avenue_D 277 West End Avenue_C 277 West End Avenue_B 277 West End...
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