Clinton & Russell | Brick | West End-Collegiate HD Extension | West 73rd Street | Neo-Romanesque | Apartment Building | 253 West 73rd Street (Level Club) 253 West 73rd Street (Level Club) Date: 1927 NB Number: Type: Apartment Building (originally a club) Architect: Clinton and Russell Developer/Owner/Builder: The Freemasons Primary Style: Neo-Romanesque Façade (primary...
Jacobs, Harry Allen | Brick | Broadway | Beaux-Arts | Apartment Hotel | 2689-2693 Broadway (Marseilles Hotel) IMG_6362 IMG_6371 288D766D-FE5E-4871-B6AE-31ACBDE0E14D_1_105_c IMG_6367 IMG_6366 IMG_6364 IMG_6363 2689-2693 Broadway (Marseilles Hotel) Date: 1902-1905 Type: Apartment Hotel Architect: Harry Allan Jacobs...
Margon and Holder with Roth, Emery | Brick | Central Park West | Art Deco | Apartment Building | 300 Central Park West (El Dorado Apartments) 300_CPW_B 300_CPW_A 300_CPW_C 300_CPW_E 300_CPW_F 300_CPW_G 300_CPW_H 300_CPW_I 300_CPW_J 300_CPW_K 300_CPW_M 300_CPW_N 300_CPW_O 300_CPW_P 300_CPW_Q 300_CPW_R 300_CPW_S 300_CPW_U 300 Central Park West (2) 300 Central Park...
King & Campbell | Brickhalf-timberingStucco | Riverside-West End Historic District Extension II | Pomander Walk and West 94th Street and West 95th Street | TudorTudor Revival | Rowhouse | Pomander Walk 261-267 West 94th Street, 260-274 West 95th Street, 3-10 Pomander Walk, 15-22 Pomander Walk (261 West 94th Street, 263 West 94th Street, 265 West 94th Street, 267 West 94th Street, 260 West 95th Street, 262 West 95th Street, 264 West 95th Street, 266...
Hill & Murdock with Jardine | Brick | West 61st Street | Art Deco | Warehouse | 33-43 West 61st Street: Sofia Brothers Warehouse aka 41-47 Columbus Avenue 43 West 61st Street (Sofia Brothers Warehouse) 43 West 61st Street (Sofia Brothers Warehouse) 43 West 61st Street (Sofia Brothers Warehouse) 43 West 61st Street (Sofia Brothers Warehouse) 43...