118 West 69th Street Guilleaume, Charles | BrickStone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway and Columbus Avenue and West 69th Street | Queen Anne | Rowhouse | 118 West 69th Street 118 West 69th Street A 118 West 69th Street B 118 West 69th Street C 118 West 69th Street 118 West 69th Street Date: 1884-87 NB Number: 1270-1884 Type: Rowhouse (1 of 2, originally 5) Architect: Guilleaume, Charles Developer/Owner/Builder:...
110 West 69th Street Pelham, George F. | BrickStoneTerra Cotta | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway and Columbus Avenue and West 69th Street | Neo-Renaissance | Apartment Building | 110 West 69th Street 110 West 69th Street 110-114 West 69th Street 110 West 69th Street Date: 1924 NB Number: 234-1924 Type: Apartment Building Architect: Pelham, George F. Developer/Owner/Builder: Tigo Realty Co. NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District...
115 West 69th Street Thom & Wilson | BrickBrownstone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway and Columbus Avenue and West 69th Street | Renaissance RevivalRomanesque Revival | Rowhouse | 115 West 69th Street 115 West 69th Street A 115 West 69th Street B 115 West 69th Street Date: 1891 NB Number: 516-1891 Type: Rowhouse Architect: Thom & Wilson Developer/Owner/Builder: William H. Hall NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District Landmark...
113 West 69th Street Thom & Wilson | BrickBrownstone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway and Columbus Avenue and West 69th Street | Renaissance RevivalRomanesque Revival | Rowhouse | 113 West 69th Street 113 West 69th Street A 113 West 69th Street Date: 1891 NB Number: 516-1891 Type: Rowhouse Architect: Thom & Wilson Developer/Owner/Builder: William H. Hall NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District Landmark Designation Report: One of...
111 West 69th Street Thom & Wilson | BrickBrownstone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway and Columbus Avenue and West 69th Street | Renaissance RevivalRomanesque Revival | Rowhouse | 111 West 69th Street 111 West 69th Street A 111 West 69th Street Date: 1891 NB Number: 516-1891 Type: Rowhouse Architect: Thom & Wilson Developer/Owner/Builder: William H. Hall NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District Landmark Designation Report: One of...