Enjoy a beautiful fall weekend outdoors!
Join LW! for a walking tour with typography expert
Alexander Tochilovsky*
The Texture of the City: Exploring the Lettering of the Upper West Side
November 22, 11am-1pm
$15 for LW! members**; $25 for non-members; $10 students
The Upper West Side’s architectural masterpieces that contribute to New York City’s most fascinating layers are further textured by intriguing signage and hidden inscriptions. Even the most ordinary buildings have a variety of signs and lettering that reveal the most interesting details. Alexander Tochilovsky,* an educator and curator at The Cooper Union, will walk us through the neighborhood with a unique lens that focuses on an artistic layer of the Upper West Side and how this texture informs building history and architecture.
*Currently an educator and curator at The Cooper Union School of Art, Alexander Tochilovsky received his Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from The Cooper Union and his Masters of Fine Arts Degree from the Cranbrook Academy of Art’s 2D Design department. In 2010, he was named Curator of the Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design and Typography. He is a graphic designer with expertise in typography.
**Membership has its privileges… did you know that LW! supporters enjoy discounted admission to all of our public programs? Please contact us to check your membership status and reserve your spot(s) today. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
NEW YORK, NY 10023
(212) 496-8110