CB7 Resolution

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CB7 Land Use Committee Meeting

Community Board 7 250 West 87th Street, New York , United States

CB7 Land Use Committee will review further response tactics to the rise of supertall buildings on the Upper West Side. The Committee will look to review its resolution of July 2016 which reads as follows: BE IT RESOLVED THAT Community Board 7/Manhattan supports the application of Community Board 5/Manhattan for a moratorium on the construction of buildings in excess of six-hundred (600) feet in height to the extent that they will be located within one thousand feet (1,000) feet of the perimeter wall that encloses Central Park; and CB7 requests that the City Planning Commission immediately review the zoning resolution in order to address issues presented by extra-tall buildings on the surrounding community; and, CB7 requests that the Department of City Planning review includes a study of inclusionary housing, with a view to reducing the rate of additional “bonus” FAR and allocate this to affordable housing.