Organized by:
New Policies for a Human-Scale City: A Conference for Neighborhood Leaders, Boards, and Activists
Saturday, October 22, 50 East 7th Street (Middle Collegiate Church Social Hall)
10-5 p.m.
Reserve seats in advance at the link above.
9:30: Check-in
10:00 Welcome: Mario Messina
10:05 Panel 1: Affordable Housing in the Big Picture: Part 1
– Moderator: Alison Greenberg
– Jeffrey Kroessler: Upzoning: The The Promise and Reality
– Marcel Rocheburn: Wreck This Law: A Short History of the Weaknening of Rent Stabilization
– Tom Angotti: How Displacement Happens and How to Stop It
– Q & A, Discussion
11:05: Panel 2: Affordable Housing at a Human-Scale: Part 2
– Moderator, Tom Angotti
-Annetta Seecharan: The Basement Campaign
-Brian Loughlin: Public Housing in Jersey City
– Susanne Schindler:
– Q & A, Discussion
12:05: Lunch Break
– sandwiches and beverages available at cost in the Social Hall
12:30: Keynote Talk: Roberta Gratz of the Center for a Living City: What Should We Do to Change What Ails Us?
1:00: Panel 3: New Ideas For A Human-Scale City
– Moderator?
-Sal Albanese: Democracy Vouchers for Campaign Finance Reform
– William Duggan: Democratic Neighborhood Improvemetn Districts: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
– Simeon Bankoff: Two Ways to Save Neighborhoods without the LPC
2:00: Panel 4: Community-Based Planning
– Alan Berger and Suki Cheong: 8 New Principles for Community Planning
– John Massengale: If You are Going to Plan Your City, Why Not Plan The One You Want?
-Q & A
2:45: Panel 5: Zoning for a Human-Scale City
– Lynn Ellsworth: Our Public Commons: Why we have to Remake the Rules about Height and Air Rights Transfers
– Layla Law-Gisiko: How to Redesign The Rules for ‘As-of-Right’ Building
3:45: What is to be done? Panelists to be Announced –
4:45: Synthesis
5:00: Reception