Organized by:
Health & Human Services Committee, Catherine DeLazzero and Madge Rosenberg, Co-Chairpersons
Joint with the Inclusionary Playground Task Force, Catherine DeLazzero, Coordinator
Tuesday, August 23, 6:30 PM
At CB7’s District Office, 250 West 87th Street
Bloomingdale Playground (Amsterdam and West 104th Street) Department of Parks & Recreation presentation on final design for the Bloomingdale Playground.
Meetings take place at the Community Board office, 250 West 87th Street, unless otherwise indicated. Agendas are subject to change. To confirm committee agendas and meeting locations, call the Board office at (212) 362-4008. Send comments by e-mail to or by fax to (212) 595-9317.
Resolutions adopted at the committee meetings will be reported at the Full Board Meeting on Tuesday,SEPTEMBER 6, 2016, beginning at 6:30 PM at Fordham University, 113 West 60 Street (Columbus Avenue.)