Color Photo of Andrew Kaplan, DVMBy Claudie Benjamin

A key to keeping food fresh, whether for humans or pets, is refrigeration and freezer technology. One example among millions of businesses and home occupants that depend daily on refrigeration is Just Food for Dogs (JFFD) at 2025 Broadway. More specifically, the California-based business uses large refrigerators and freezers at its UWS location. This store, one of many places selling JFFD products in the U.S., features “human-quality,” temptingly named fast-frozen meals. Bestsellers are Chicken and White RiceTurkey and Whole Wheat MacaroniBeef and Russet Potato, and Fish and Sweet Potato. Also sold are pantry-fresh items specialty packed for extended shelf life.

The refrigerators and freezers used at JFFD are familiar commercial units. They are straightforward compared with some high-end models on the market for residential homes with features unimaginable only a decade ago. In addition to providing cool storage for daily human provisions, these units and more rudimentary traditional counterparts are residential storage locations for fast-frozen dog meals carried home from the store or ordered online and delivered to a customer.

Some high-end residential models are fitted with unique features such as a camera. One plus of this innovation is that it allows a pet parent to remotely view the interior of their refrigerator to see whether dinner is defrosting or if a doggie meal needs to be transferred from the freezer to the fridge.

JFFD encourages potential customers to contact its nutritional experts virtually to discuss what is best nutritionally for their pet. Detailed information is posted online on how to defrost the frozen meals. The importance of doing this correctly is emphasized.

What are ways you can tell your healthy dog is doing better after transitioning from dry kibble or canned dog food to fast frozen meals? While not advocating for a specific dog food, Andrew Kaplan, DVM, of City Veterinary Care, his large long-time practice at 220 West 72nd Street, suggested that frozen human-grade food, which is currently produced and distributed through various partnering businesses, may not offer more nutritional benefits to dogs compared with other options. Responding to the question, “How can a pet owner tell if a healthy dog switched from dry kibble to frozen human-grade dog food is benefiting? What type of differences in the dog would you look for?” Dr. Kaplan said, “My opinion is from my own experience rather than published research. The results can vary so you might not be able to make a determination via observation that a dog is benefiting. The positives I have encountered are a reduction in fecal volume and an improvement in fecal firmness. I cannot say I have seen dogs appear to have an increase in endurance or improvement in behavior.

So, while the benefits of fresh frozen pet food for a healthy dog may be open for discussion and call for more research, the increased appeal to customers is clear. This past January, Costco, the mega supermarket chain, announced that several JFFD fast frozen options would be available in its freezers at select stores.

People have been trying to cool food to lengthen freshness for centuries. The concept of harnessing the temperature of air by making it cold really gained traction in the mid-century. “Refrigeration technology began to make significant advancements in the 1950’s, when game-changing innovations like automatic ice makers and automatic defrost began appearing on the scene,” according to an article on Discussing advancements since 2000, the same article notes,

“Timeless aesthetics with modern-day efficiency…The world is your oyster in the present-day refrigerator market. Futuristic and classic designs collide, allowing homeowners a broad range of choices when it comes to a new modern appliance.”

Appliance manufacturer Maytag’s simplified explanation of refrigeration is less poetic: “Refrigerators vent heat out of the appliance in order to keep your food fresh. Refrigerators use a closed system that relies on refrigerant traveling in coils throughout the fridge. Refrigerant separates hot and cold air by absorbing the heat and carrying it away from the refrigerator’s contents.” How do freezers work? According to Whirlpool, another manufacturer, “Freezers expand and compress refrigerant to absorb and remove heat from the freezer cavity, leaving the freezer full of ice-cold air.”

Most farm fresh or fresh frozen food, before being consumed by humans and their pets, spends at least a short time (during transportation and in a store or residence) under refrigeration. Bravo to the HVAC innovators, engineers, and technicians who support this wonderful amenity.

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