#votersagainstsupertalls, Advocacy
As reported in the New York Times, neighbors of an Extell Properties owned corner lot on West 17th street banded together to purchase and “bank” air rights over the neighboring development in order to protect their views. In “How Much is a View...
#isitsafe, #votersagainstsupertalls
When GOTHAMIST reported a deluge “Video: Subway Platform Flash Flood Knocks Man To The Ground” at the 23rd/Ely aka Court Square station, several commenters were jaded, or furious. Personally, one had to question why the videographer was...
#isitsafe, #votersagainstsupertalls
LANDMARK WEST! has been tirelessly advocating for the closure of LOOPHOLES which yield SUPERTALLS. Despite this new typology sprouting up for years, the Department of City Planning (DCP) relies on decades- old regulations that never envisioned buildings of this...
#votersagainstsupertalls, 50 West 66th Street
In July, LW! joined preservation organizations across the city in communicating their ongoing concerns about loopholes in the Zoning Resolution that developers use to build bigger and taller than intended. Why is the city so slow to correct these issues? Read the full...
#votersagainstsupertalls, 200 Amsterdam, Board of Standards and Appeals
In today’s hearing, the city Board of Standards and Appeals upheld 200 Amsterdam Avenue’s building permits for a 668′ building that gets its height from a gerrymandered lot that should never have been allowed. Read the full Gothamist...
#votersagainstsupertalls, 200 Amsterdam, Board of Standards and Appeals
GO to the Hearing: Tues, June 25th, 10am Spector Hall, 22 Reade Street In March, the New York State Supreme Court, ruling on an Appeal by the Committee for Environmentally Sound Development and the Municipal Art Society alleging that the developers abused zoning...