#votersagainstsupertalls, 200 Amsterdam, CENTRAL dARK, NYC, Upper West Side, UWS
Last night’s town hall meeting saw the community pushing Mayor Bill de Blasio on some issues close to our hearts–the impending rise of the supertall CENTRAL dARK Tower. Below is the press release from our neighbors, which shows de Blasio administration...
Landmark West, Tours and Events, UWS
Mid-Summer at The Milbank Mansion Cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, classical string quartet, architectural discussion Thursday, June 28th 2018 Six o’clock p.m. to Eight o’clock p.m. 24 West 71st Street ~ Elegant Casual Attire ~ TICKETS...
200 Amsterdam, Advocacy, Board of Standards and Appeals, Preservation Under Fire, Upper West Side, UWS, Zoning
Two Wrongs Don’t Make an ‘As-of-Right’ The Fight Against 200 Amsterdam Continues at the BSA Today The community rallied once again today, continuing ongoing efforts to curtail the unchecked rise of a supertall tower at 200 Amsterdam. LANDMARK...
McKim Mead and White, Stanford White, Tom Miller, UWS, West 72nd Street
A recent blog post by the Daytonian in Manhattan, reveals that a prominent “alienist” -an early criminal psychologist -practiced out of 143 West 72nd Street. After playboy millionaire Harry K. Thaw murdered starchitect Stanford White (Come learn...
Advocacy, Affordable Housing, architecture, Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation, Historic Districts Council, landmark, Landmark West, Landmarks at Risk, Landmarks Law, Landmarks Preservation Commission, legalization, LPC, Moderism, New York City, NYC, preservation, Preservation Under Fire, REBNY, Upper West Side, UWS, West End Preservation Society
A Day of Public Outcry at the Landmarks Preservation Commission The community was out in full force yesterday at the hearing on proposed changes to the Landmarks Law. The Landmarks Preservation Commission’s hearing room was packed beyond capacity, with many...
C of A, Landmark West, Landmarks at Risk, Landmarks Law, Landmarks Preservation Commission, legalization, LPC, New York, New York City, preservation, Preservation Under Fire, Upper West Side, UWS
Don’t Rule Out the Power of the Public In advance of the LPC’s proposal to revise their rules–up for hearing tomorrow–we wish to share our our full testimony with you, our neighbors. We will additionally be submitting to the...