Congregation Shearith Israel, First Church of Christ Scientist, Landmarks at Risk, Pay to Play, Preservation Under Fire, Watch List
FIND MOST RECENT UPDATES HERE The past few months have brought wave after wave of news about real estate deals involving developers, their lobbyists, political contributions, and the de Blasio administration. Sometimes, the little guy wins, but too...
#votersagainstsupertalls, 200 Amsterdam, CENTRAL dARK, Preservation Under Fire, Watch List
New Yorkers from neighborhoods across the city came together on Thursday, June 22, 2017, for a Save New York Summit to discuss City policies that have enabled and incentivized the trend of supertall development, now threatening traditional residential...
#votersagainstsupertalls, 200 Amsterdam, CENTRAL dARK, Landmarks at Risk, Preservation Under Fire, Watch List
The scale of New York is being drastically changed – not just in Midtown Manhattan, but in neighborhoods throughout the city. The tide of “supertall” towers beginning to rise in residential areas, including those surrounding Central...
Landmarks at Risk, Landmarks Preservation Commission, Preservation Under Fire
On Tuesday, May 23rd, the LPC denied a revised proposal brought before them by the owners of the Hopper-Gibbons House, a landmark which is part of the Lamartine Place Historic District. The district, a trim collection of twelve landmarks whose residents...
Board of Standards and Appeals, Congregation Shearith Israel, Landmarks at Risk, Preservation Under Fire, Watch List
LANDMARK WEST! has filed an Article 78 to challenge the BSA approval of special permits allowing Congregation Shearith Israel to build a community house with a stack of luxury apartments atop–luxury apartments which break with contextual zoning and are much...
Landmarks at Risk, Preservation Under Fire
And although Central Park is a “big” 843 acres of a Scenic Landmark, there always seems to be new ways to fill it! Pre-dating the park was a reservoir which is being summoned from the ashes as justification for a wide path to the Belvedere Castle Folly....