#votersagainstsupertalls, ABC Watch, Advocacy, CENTRAL dARK, Dept. of City Planning, Uncategorized
Sean Khorsandi was a guest of Assembly Member Dick Gottfried on this week’s episode of “Represent NYC” on the Manhattan Neighborhood Network. Click to view the episode – skip ahead to minute 16:05 for a great synopsis by Sean of the Dept....
#votersagainstsupertalls, CENTRAL dARK, Uncategorized
From New York Magazine’s “The Approval Matrix: Week of February 4, 2019”: “So it’s perfectly legal right now for developers to put 160-feet tall “mechanical voids” in their buildings to give apartments higher priced...
landmark, memorial, monuments, Uncategorized
On April 27, 1897, the 75th Anniversary of Ulysses S. Grant’s birth, Grant’s Tomb was dedicated. The occasion was a full public holiday, Grant Day, and attracted a throng of spectators to rival Grant’s funeral twelve years earlier. The dedication...