Terra Cotta Dreamin’

Terra Cotta Dreamin’

Terra Cotta Dreamin’ Tuesday, April 17th, 9:30am-11:00am Terra-Cotta is one of the Upper West Side’s most beloved materials: think the Aztec-inspired terra cotta on the Cliff Dwelling at 96th Street or the richly designed terra cotta panels of...
Happy Grant Day!

Happy Grant Day!

On April 27, 1897, the 75th Anniversary of Ulysses S. Grant’s birth, Grant’s Tomb was dedicated. The occasion was a full public holiday, Grant Day, and attracted a throng of spectators to rival Grant’s funeral twelve years earlier. The dedication...
Rats on W. 74th Street!

Rats on W. 74th Street!

An enthusiastic crowd was treated yesterday to a remarkable crash course in terra cotta by expert Susan Tunick.  After sharing the history, manufacture, and artistry of architectural terra cotta, Susan showed our LW! group an eye-popping collection of UWS terra...
Passing of Lee Harris Pomeroy

Passing of Lee Harris Pomeroy

On February 18th, architect and LW! friend Lee Harris Pomeroy passed away.  His full obituary is available in the New York Times. For many years, Mr. Pomeroy was an Upper West Sider, and he did great things for our local landmarks.  He left his mark...