Layout Test

Layout Test

On September 6, the New York Times published a letter to the editor written by LW! President Arlene Simon responding to Professor Kenneth T. Jackson’s op-ed “Gotham’s ToweringAmbitions” published on August 30th. Arlene’s...
Celebrate the UNSUNG HEROES on December 5th!

Celebrate the UNSUNG HEROES on December 5th!

CELEBRATE THE UNSUNG HEROES OF THE UPPER WEST SIDEThursday, Dec. 5th 2013With an admittedly contrarian mind-set, LANDMARK WEST’s honorees tend not to be media stars or mega-bankers, but real-life landmark heroes in the trenches. Usually, no one you have ever...

Empire State Building: The Making of a Landmark

   Empire State Building: The Making of a LandmarkAn illustrated talk & book signing by John TauranacThursday, October 17th, 2013 at 6 p.m.Macaulay Honors College, 35 West 67th Street$15, $10 for LW! members Click here to purchase...

October 2013 Programs and Events

OCTOBER 2013 EVENTS & PROGRAMSTo mark your calendars, visit our Upcoming Events page here.openhousenewyork(OHNY) Weekend 2013 Saturday and Sunday October 12th and 13thfrom 11:00AM at 4:00PMCenter for Architecture536 LaGuardia Pl New York, NYJoin OHNY,...