On September 6, the New York Times published a letter to the editor written by LW! President Arlene Simon responding to Professor Kenneth T. Jackson’s op-ed “Gotham’s ToweringAmbitions” published on August 30th. Arlene’s...
On September 6, the New York Times published a letter to the editor written by LW! President Arlene Simon responding to Professor Kenneth T. Jackson’s op-ed “Gotham’s ToweringAmbitions” published on August 30th. Arlene’s...
CELEBRATE THE UNSUNG HEROES OF THE UPPER WEST SIDEThursday, Dec. 5th 2013With an admittedly contrarian mind-set, LANDMARK WEST’s honorees tend not to be media stars or mega-bankers, but real-life landmark heroes in the trenches. Usually, no one you have ever...
On September 6, the New York Times published a letter to the editor written by LW! President Arlene Simon responding to Professor Kenneth T. Jackson’s op-ed “Gotham’s ToweringAmbitions” published on August 30th. Arlene’s...
Empire State Building: The Making of a LandmarkAn illustrated talk & book signing by John TauranacThursday, October 17th, 2013 at 6 p.m.Macaulay Honors College, 35 West 67th Street$15, $10 for LW! members Click here to purchase...
OCTOBER 2013 EVENTS & PROGRAMSTo mark your calendars, visit our Upcoming Events page here.openhousenewyork(OHNY) Weekend 2013 Saturday and Sunday October 12th and 13thfrom 11:00AM at 4:00PMCenter for Architecture536 LaGuardia Pl New York, NYJoin OHNY,...
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