Succeeding on the “Wrong” Side of Broadway

Succeeding on the “Wrong” Side of Broadway

By Claudie Benjamin Everyone knows, according to Danny Koch, owner of Town Shop at 2270 Broadway, that there is a good side and a bad side of Broadway on the Upper West Side. His family business was located on the “good” west side of the avenue since...
Priorities: Health and Sustainability

Priorities: Health and Sustainability

By Claudie Benjamin Emily Wang’s interest both in healthy food and maximizing sustainability in daily life goes back to her teenage years growing up in Michigan. These priorities developed through her graduation from Columbia in 2022 and...
Master Jazz Piano Player and Mentor

Master Jazz Piano Player and Mentor

By Claudie Benjamin Play Jazz Piano NYC: The name of the sessions alone evokes cinematic images: In a corner of the room, there’s a piano. A person nonchalantly pulls a chair up, lightly “tickles the ivories” with one hand, and then launches into a...
Recovery is as Important as Training

Recovery is as Important as Training

By Claudie Benjamin Sam Morjaria, DPT, owner of Park North Physical Therapy at 2804 Broadway doesn’t want to bash social media, but he said that there’s plenty to suggest, anecdotally, that the images of young sports heroes who earn hundreds of thousands...
Skateboarding Cool & the Shop

Skateboarding Cool & the Shop

By Claudie Benjamin Nothing quite like the thrill of building up speed, flipping high in the air and then landing balanced surely on your skateboard as you skate on.  Christopher Vidal, a long-time skateboarder and more recent skateboard entrepreneur said,...