Advocacy, monuments, New York City
The New York Daily News published an op-ed by LANDMARK WEST! board member Jeffrey Kroessler regarding the special monuments commission Mayor de Blasio has appointed to address controversial monuments around New York City. You can find it on The New York Daily News...
Advocacy, Landmarks at Risk, Landmarks Preservation Commission
WEST SIDE CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES FORUM: The Balance Between Land Use and Quality of Life Hosted by LANDMARK WEST!, Historic Districts Council’s League of Preservation Voters & Fordham University Moderated by Lesley Massiah-Arthur, Associate...
2 Columbus Circle, 200 Amsterdam, adventure playground, Advocacy, American Museum of Natural History, Arlene Simon, CENTRAL dARK, Congregation Shearith Israel, Edward Durell Stone, Fourth Universalist Society, how the west was won, Keeping the Past for the Future, Landmarks at Risk, Landmarks Law, Preservation Under Fire, RAP, Riverside West End Avenue Historic District, Watch List, When the Process Works, Wish List
On April 19, 2017 – the 52nd anniversary to the day of the official signing of New York’s pioneering Landmarks Law of 1965 – LW! President Kate Wood gave a talk to nearly 200 members of the National Arts Club and guests on the past, present, and...
Advocacy, Andrew S. Dolkart, Landmarks at Risk, Landmarks Preservation Commission, Watch List
After more than two decades of hard work, the LPC heard testimony on Tuesday for a much-anticipated Morningside Heights Historic District. Representatives from Jerrold Nadler’s, and Daniel O’Donnell’s offices spoke in favor of designation, as...
Advocacy, Dept. of City Planning, Watch List, Zoning
AVOID DELAYS! Contact Governor Cuomo Today! Last week, the MTA announced their plan to raise fares in 2017 to $3 a swipe. They’d like to raise height limits on their real estate, too! A provision hidden in this year’s New York...
Advocacy, Board of Standards and Appeals, Carrere and Hastings, Congregation Shearith Israel, First Church of Christ Scientist, Individual Landmark, Media, When the Process Works
There has been a lot of coverage of last Thursday’s victory for New Yorkers at the Board of Standards and Appeals where the commissioners voted 3-1 to deny the requested variances. Today’s online edition, (and tomorrow’s print edition) pick...