5G, Advocacy, Community Board 7, Dept. of Buildings, Riverside Park
5G IN THE CITY By Megan Fitzpatrick Many of you have been following the 5G plans for NYC. While LW! supports accessibility to the technology, we remain steadfast that these out-of-scale 32′-towers do not belong in our historic district side...
5G, Historic Districts Council, Landmarks at Risk, New York Landmarks Conservancy, public design commission
LW! has a long history as an adversary for the out-of-scale 5G-towers proposed for the streets of our city. In our 2020 and 2021 testimony before the Public Design Commission, we spoke out lamenting the ungainly proportions and unattractive design. Now that...
5G, public design commission
Contact the PDC and DoITT today, and tell them: Just Don’t DoITT. Email today or participate in Monday’s Public Hearing. Read LANDMARK WEST! Testimony HERE Read The Victorian Society/New York Testimony HERE Read The Society for the Architecture of...
5G, Historic District, public design commission
Do You Want our UWS Street Lamps to Look like THIS? The beloved “Bishop’s Crook” and other lampposts of the Upper West Side are under attack. Often funded by resident-led initiatives like the clean up of West 72nd Street and by...