Pomander Walk

261-267 West 94th Street, 260-274 West 95th Street, 3-10 Pomander Walk, 15-22 Pomander Walk (261 West 94th Street, 263 West 94th Street, 265 West 94th Street, 267 West 94th Street, 260 West 95th Street, 262 West 95th Street, 264 West 95th Street, 266 West 95th Street, 268 West 95th Street, 270 West 95th Street, 272 West 95th Street, 274 West 95th Street, 3 Pomander Walk, 4 Pomander Walk, 5 Pomander Walk, 6 Pomander Walk, 7 Pomander Walk, 8 Pomander Walk, 9 Pomander Walk, 10 Pomander Walk, 15 Pomander Walk, 16 Pomander Walk, 17 Pomander Walk, 18 Pomander Walk, 19 Pomander Walk, 20 Pomander Walk, 21 Pomander Walk, 22 Pomander Walk)

261-267 West 94th Street, 260-274 West 95th Street (Pomander Walk)


Date: 1921

NB Number: NB 154-1921

Borough of Manhattan Tax Map Information: Block 1242, Lot 9

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  King & Campbell

Developer/Owner/Builder: Thomas Healy

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District and Individual Landmark

Landmark Designation Report: Pomander WalkRiverside West End Historic District II

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Tudor and Tudor Revival

Primary Facade:   Brick, half-timbering, and Stucco

Stories: 2

Historic District: Riverside-West End Historic District Extension II

Decorative Metal Work: Wrought-iron stoop railings (new)

Significant Architectural Features: Concrete stoops; pent door hoods (nos. 5, 7, 10, 15, 16, 19, 22); pedimented door hood (no. 20); pent roof (no. 3); round-arched entrances (nos. 6, 8,18); depressed arched entrance (no. 21); gables (full width no. 4, 9, 17, 20; centered no. 7, 15); four-over-four and six-over-six double-hung sash; multi-light doors; shutters; flower boxes

Alterations: Repair, replacement and restoration of facades, doors, windows, and decorative elements as approved by the Landmarks Preservation Commission. Building Notes: The 27 building complex known collectively as Pomander Walk was designated a New York City Landmark in 1982 (LP-1279). Its central feature is a through-block,private pedestrian street of 16, 2-story cottages. Thomas Healy, an Irish-born developer hired the architectural firm of King & Campbell to “recreate the village atmosphere” of Lewis Parker’s then popular period comedy, Pomander Walk, from which the development took its name.

Site Features: Raised walkway; concrete staircases with metal railings; metal gates; wooden guard box; metal lanterns; garden plots

Other Structures on Site: 261-267 West 94th and 260-274 West 98th Street. (See North and South Facades.)

Interior Facade: Designed (historic, painted, resurfaced)

Stoop(s): Possibly historic

Door(s): Mixed primary doors

Windows: Mixed

Roof: Replaced (pitched – asphalt)

Areaway Paving Material: Concrete

North Facade: Designed (historic)

Facade Notes: 260-266 West 95th Street (aka 258-260, 262-262½, 262A, 264-264½, 264A, 266- 266A): 3 stories; fieldstone, brick, stucco, and half-timbering in various proportions; concrete and brick stoops; flat-, round-, and segmental- arched entrances; multi-light doors; six-over-six sash; possibly historic security grilles (some replaced in kind); gable; hipped and peaked roofs, replaced; lights; fire escape; facades facing Pomander Walk, chamfered. 270-274 West 95th Street (aka 268-270, 272, 274 West 95th Street; 714 West End Avenue): 2 and 2 ½ story cottages: concrete and brick stoops; stucco, brick and half- timbering in various proportions; gables; pent door hood and lintels; shutters; flower boxes; multi-light doors; six-over-six double-hung sash; roofs replaced; two dormers (West End Avenue); possibly historic security grilles (some replaced) Alterations: Repair, replacement and restoration of facades, doors, windows, and decorative elements as approved by the Landmarks Preservation Commission Site: grille; stone archway at main entrance (between 262 and 264 West 95th Street) topped by parapet carved with name, date, owner and architects; stone and brick archway at service entrance (between 266 and 270 West 95th Street); metal mesh gates; diamond plate hatch; pipe; grille; concrete sidewalk; stone curb (West 95th Street); concrete curb with metal edge (West End Avenue)

South Facade: Designed (historic)

Facade Notes: 261-267 West 94th Street (aka 259-261, 263-263½, 263A, 265-265½, 265A, 267 West 94th Street): 3 stories; fieldstone, brick, stucco, and half-timbering in various proportions; small gable; multi-light doors; six-over-six sash; possibly historic grilles; fire escapes; roofs replaced; lights; facades facing Pomander Walk, chamfered; historic hanging sign Alterations: Repair, replacement and restoration of facades, doors, windows, and decorative elements as approved by the Landmarks Preservation Commission. Site: Stone and brick archway, roof replaced; metal gate with intercom; historic statue of a rooster removed for repair (per maintenance personnel 4/3/2015); concrete sidewalk, concrete curb with metal edge.

West Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)

Facade Notes: Parged; segmental-arched windows; ramp with pipe railing; leaders; cables

Read more about Pomander Walk from THE VILLAGER

The the Social History of Pomander Walk

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