99 Central Park West - Congregation Shearith Israel Synagogue & Rectory


99 Central Park West

Date:  1896-97

NB Number:  104-1896

Type:  Synagogue and Rectory

Architect:  Brunner & Tryon

Developer/Owner/Builder:  Congregation Shearith Israel

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Individual Landmark

Landmark Designation Report:  Congregation Shearith Israel

Primary Style:  Academic Classical

Façade (primary material):  Limestone

Stories:  1 and 3 with basement

Window Type:  Multi-pane stained glass; One-over-one double-hung

Structure:  Masonry bearing walls

Alterations:  Rectory raised from two to three stories and mansard roof added. 1902: Alt 1140-1902 [Source: Alteration Application] Architect—William H. Hume & Son Owner—Congregation Shearith Israel

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