925 West End Avenue / The Alimar

aka 921-927 West End Avenue; 297-299 West 105th Street

925 West End Avenue

The Alimar


Date: 1899

NB Number: NB 62-1899

Borough of Manhattan Tax Map Information: Block 1891, Lot 54

Type:  Flats Building

Architect:  Janes & Leo

Developer/Owner/Builder: Hamilton M. Weed

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive– West End Historic District Extension II

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Beaux-Arts

Primary Facade:   Brick and Limestone

Stories: 7

Historic District: Riverside-West End Historic District Extension II

Special Windows: Curved glass multi-paned double-hung sash in oriels, some round-headed with round muntins

Decorative Metal Work: Iron balconettes

Significant Architectural Features: Rusticated two-story limestone base, red brick-clad upper stories with limestone trim; double-height entrance enframement, door surround with triangular pediment and figural head sculpture, second-story round-arched window openings with festooned spandrels, keystone lintels, and entablature supported by brackets with figural-head capitals; iron-and-glass double-leaf doors; ground-floor windows with voussoirs and lions-head keystone, second-story with segmental-arched windows with scrolled keystones and cartouche ornament in corner bays; beltcourse separates base from upper stories; three-story rounded oriels in corner bays with iron balconettes and bracketed cornices; rectangular and round-headed window openings in oriels, fitted with historic wood multi-over-multi-paned double hung sash, some with  round muntins; vertical bays of window openings with limestone enframements; thirdstory windows with rounded pediments and cartouches, upper stories with keystones, many scrolled; iron balconettes at third and fifth stories; beltcourses above third, fifth, and sixth stories

Alterations: Curved mansard roof removed, new cornice installed, dormers removed and top story built out flush with lower stories; fire escapes; non oriel windows replaced (historically three-over-three double-hung sash)

Building Notes: Original mansard roof removed in the 1970s; upper story sympathetically rebuilt in 1997; photograph of building with original mansard roof in the collection of the Museum of the City of New York (X2010.7.1.950)

East Facade: Designed (historic)
Door(s): Historic primary door
Windows: Mixed (upper stories); replaced (basement)
Cornice: Not historic
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
Curb Material(s): Granite (West End Avenue); concrete with metal plate (West 105th Street)

South Facade: Designed (historic)
Facade Notes: Similar to West End Avenue facade, without the oriels; stair to basement enclosed in masonry knee wall

North Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Brick side wall, partially parged; fire escape; service way accessed through nonhistoric metal gate

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