2741-2747 Broadway: The Clebourne
aka 2745 Broadway; 920-928 West End Avenue; 251-259 West 105th Street2741-2749 Broadway
Date: 1912
NB Number: 1912-604
Type: Apartment Hotel
Architect: Schwartz & Gross
Developer/Owner/Builder: Henry Schiff
NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District
Landmark Designation Report: Riverside-West End Historic District Extension II
National Register Designation: n/a
Primary Style: Renaissance Revival
Primary Facade: Brick, Limestone, and Terra Cotta
Stories: 13
Decorative Metal Work: Window grilles: entrance door and frame; fences in front of light courts and service ways
Alterations: Windows replaced; profile of cornice parapet flattened, patterned brickwork flattened and parged, coping removed