615 West End Avenue
615 West End Avenue
NB Number: NB 2129-1887
Type: Rowhouse
Architect: Thom & Wilson
Developer/Owner/Builder: Bernard Wilson
NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District
Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive- West End Historic District
National Register Designation: N/A
Primary Style: Beaux-Arts
Primary Facade: Brownstone
Stories: 4
Window Type/Material: See Structure
Basement Type: Raised
Stoop Type: Box
Structure: These two noncontiguous brownstone fronted rowhouses, each twenty feet wide, are four stories in height above raised basements and were designed as mirror images. The facades are distinguished by elaborate arched door enframements; double windows with stained-glass arched transoms and sculpted mullions at the parlor story; three window bowed oriels at the second story; windows at the third and fourth stories arranged in vertical bays separated by carved piers with carved ornament in the spandrels; and arched fan shaped heads above the fourth story windows. Both houses have box stoops. The cornices are pressed metal and have decorated friezes. The parlor story entrances have glazed wood framed double doors; No. 605 has a wrought iron grille in the transom above the door. The original windows probably had one-over-one double-hung wood-framed sash.
Historic District: Riverside Drive- West End HD
Alterations: This house is painted brown. There has been some loss of carved detail in the door surround. The parlor story windows have white aluminum replacement sash, and the third and fourth story windows have exterior storm sash. This house does not have a wrought iron grille in the transom above the door. There are two light fixtures at the door.
History: The houses at Nos. 605 and 615 West End Avenue are survivors of a ten house row which originally extended from No. 601 to No. 619. Designed by Thom & Wilson, this row was built between January and October of 1888 for Bernard Wilson, principal in the architectural firm. The row occupied the entire western block front of West End Avenue between West 89th and West 90th Streets and included large houses at the corners. The row was first broken in 1916 when Nos. 601 and 603 were demolished for a twelve story apartment building, again in 1925 when Nos. 607 to 613 were demolished for a sixteen story apartment building, and again when Nos. 617 and 619 were demolished for a fifteen story apartment building. Selected Reference: New York City Department of Taxes Photograph Collection, Municipal Archives and Record Collection, E 1295.