581-589 West End Avenue, AKA 301-309 West 88th Street

581-589 West End Avenue, AKA 301-309 West 88th Street


Date: 1926-1927 NB Number: NB 519-1926 Type:  Apartment Building Architect:  Pelham, George F. Developer/Owner/Builder: 585 West End Avenue, Inc NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District Landmark Designation Report:  Riverside Drive- West End Historic District National Register Designation: N/A Primary Style:  Neo-Renaissance Primary Facade:   orange-brown brck, Stone, and Terra Cotta Stories: 16 Window Type/Material: See Structure/Alterations Structure:  This sixteen story apartment building is located at the northwest corner of West End Avenue and West 88th Street, extending 100 feet along West End Avenue and approximately 145 feet along the side street. The building has an H shaped plan, and is faced in orange/brown brick laid in common bond with stone and terra cotta trim. Approximately seventy percent of the original six-over-one wood-framed window sash are extant. West End Avenue Facade: This facade is articulated by a base, a midsection, and a top, and is organized vertically into seven bays. End bays have paired windows. These flank bays composed of two single windows which in turn flank a tripartite window group. The central bay consists of two single windows with a slit window in between. The two story rusticated stone base is capped by a cornice with decorative moldings. The twelve story midsection is brick, with the transitional third and fourteenth stories defined by stringcourses and terra cotta quoins. The ninth story has two bracketed balconies. Terra cotta quoins are also found at the two story top section, which surmounts a cornice and is capped by an elaborate modillioned cornice with decorative moldings. Spiral colonnettes with modified Corinthian capitals rise from the third story, articulating the building’s corners. West 88th Street Facade: This facade has a recessed courtyard which is flanked by two end wings. The western wing has a total of seven bays consisting of single, paired, and tripartite windows in a five part arrangement similar to that of the West End Avenue facade. The eastern wing has a total of six bays consisting of single and paired windows grouped into three divisions. The overall design and articulation of detail of this facade is the same as that of the West End Avenue facade. Entry is through a one story passage in the courtyard area. The entrance pavilion, located at the building line, is faced in stone to match that of the base and is topped by a balustrade. Windows with decorative metal grilles and spiral moldings flank the entranceway, which is composed of spiral colonnettes with modified Corinthian capitals framing a slightly pointed-arched opening. A cartouche and foliate carving further embellish the entrance. Elevations of the courtyard are faced in brick to match the primary facades. Two bays of windows are found at the side walls, three at the southern facing wall. Stringcourses are continued here; however, they are typically less elaborate than those on the primary facades. Western Elevation: The brick faced western elevation is partially visible from West 88th Street. It is composed of a southern section of three bays which steps back to a northern section of six bays. Windows are similar to those of the main facades and there is little detailing. Northern Elevation:, Part of the northern elevation is visible from West 89th Street. Its design appears to be similar to that of the western elevation. Historic District: Riverside Drive- West End HD Alterations: Approximately thirty percent of the original windows on the facades have been replaced with aluminum sash. A recent awning projects over the sidewalk at the entry, which has glass doors that are not original. History: This apartment building was erected in 1926-27 for 585 West End Avenue, Inc., according to the design of architect George F. Pelham whose work is well represented within the district. The site was previously occupied by four rowhouses on West End Avenue, and three smaller brick and stone four story structures and three rowhouses on West 88th Street. J. Eberhard Faber, the well known pencil manufacturer, had lived at 307 West 88th Street. Selected References: New York City Department of Taxes Photograph Collection, Municipal Archives and Record Collection, H 2370. Peter Salwen, Upper West Side Story: A History and Guide (New York, 1989), 305.

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