371 Amsterdam Avenue

371 Amsterdam Avenue


Date: 18871-88

NB Number: NB 1236-1887

Type: Flats, Stable, and Store

Architect: Rooke, Frank A.

Developer/Owner/Builder: Lorton Horton

NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Upper West Side-Central Park Historical District, Vol. 2

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style: Queen Anne and Romanesque Revival

Primary Facade: Brick

Stories: 5

Window Type/Material: One-over-one double-hung/Wood

Structure: Mixed: Masonry bearing walls and iron supports

Historic District: Upper West Side - Central Park West HD

Alterations: First story removed; new storefront added to first and second stories. 1896: Alt 1047-1896 [Source: Alteration Application] Architect – Frank A Rooke  Owner – Lorton Horton


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