350 West 88th Street

Simmons House

350 West 88th Street


Date: 1909-10

NB Number: NB 457-1909

Type:  Apartment Building

Architect:  Schwartz & Gross

Developer/Owner/Builder: Cummings Construction Company

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive- West End Historic District

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Neo-Renaissance

Primary Facade:   Limestone, tan brick, and Terra Cotta

Stories: 8

Window Type/Material: Six-over-one/ Wood

Structure: This eight-story apartment building is located on the south side of West 88th Street, 100 feet east of Riverside Drive. It extends seventy-five feet along the street and is dumbbell-shaped in plan. The building is faced in tan brick laid in Flemish bond with limestone and terra-cotta trim. About forty percent of the original wood-framed windows remain. West 88th Street Facade: This facade has three main horizontal divisions. The two-story rusticated limestone base terminates in a stringcourse at the third story sill line. Another stringcourse separates the five-story midsection from the one-story top. The entrance is located at the center and is reached by low steps flanked by cheeks. The segmentally-arched surround has an oversized keystone. Metal pipe-rails enclose the areaway and lead down to the recessed basement at the eastern side. Five bays of windows are found on this facade. End bays have paired windows which are set in openings joined vertically by stone quoins. Floors four through seven have iron balconies supported by stone brackets at these bays. The three central bays have single windows with the original eight-over-one wood sash set in brick surrounds with segmental lintels that have stone detailing. The eighth story windows have simple stone surrounds and are topped by a continuous egg-and-dart molding. Eastern Elevation: The eastern elevation is partially visible from West 88th Street. It is faced in brick to match the facade and has four windows that are visible.

Historic District: Riverside Drive- West End HD

Alterations: The original six-over-one wood sash windows in the end bays have been replaced-with one-over-one aluminum sash, as have the windows at the. base. The building’s base is painted tan and its entrance has recent metal and wire-glass double doors with a fixed transom above. A small portion of brick on the eastern elevation is now white. The cornice is missing.

History: This apartment building was erected in 1909-10 for the Cummings Construction Company according to the designs of the prolific architectural firm of Schwartz & Gross. It was built on three lots that were previously occupied by a small cruciform shaped structure. Now known as “Simmons House,” this apartment building was originally called “The Strathallan.” Selected Reference: New York City Department of Taxes Photograph Collection, Municipal Archives and Record Collection, E 1294.

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