349 West 86th Street
349 West 86th Street
Date:Â 1900-1901
NB Number:Â NB 345-1900
Type: Â Rowhouse
Architect: Â Janes & Leo
Developer/Owner/Builder:Â J A Farley
NYC Landmarks Designation:Â Historic District
Landmark Designation Report:Riverside Drive – West End Historic District Extension I
National Register Designation:Â N/A
Primary Style: Â Beaux-Arts
Primary Facade: Â Â Limestone, Roman Brick, and Terra Cotta
Stories:Â 5
Window Type/Material:Â See Structure
Structure: Significant Architectural Features: Four story bow front; rusticated base; entrance with columns and pilasters in antis supporting an entablature; heavy, elaborate ornament at windows and balconies;  Special Windows: Round arched windows at fifth story; French doors with curved top rails and correspondingly curved transoms at second story (replacements) Decorative Metal Work: Possibly historic balcony railing at third story
Site Features: Non-historic fence; mailbox
Notable History and Residents: Originally purchased by Samuel Borchardt (later Borchard) a luggage manufacturer who later moved into real estate. He and his family lived in the house until at least 1930, the year of his death. From 1932 to 1951 the house was leased by the family to the Academy of Allied Arts and the Normandy Democratic Club. The family corporation sold the house in 1951 to the Ruling Archbishop and Diocesan Council of the North American and Canadian Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church, Inc. Title was transferred to the House of Free Russia, Inc. in 1953 and in 1958 it was sold to the American Russian Aid Association. It was originally included within the boundaries of the Riverside-West End Historic District but removed due to a then existing permit to enlarge the building that has since lapsed.
South Facade: Designed (historic) Door(s): Replaced primary door; side doors replaced Windows: Replaced (upper stories); altered (basement) Security Grilles: Altered (basement) Cornice: Not historic Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete Curb Material(s): Concrete with metal nosing Areaway Wall/Fence Materials: Non-historic fence and gate Areaway Paving Material: Concrete
West Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible) Facade Notes: Parged; two-story ell visible at rear; irregular fenestration
North Facade: not historic (partially visible) Facade Notes: Brick; round-arched windows; recessed French doors set in segmental arch; balconies; non-historic light; roof-top bulkhead
Historic District: Riverside Drive-West End HD Extension I
Alterations: Easternmost window at first story and basement reconfigured as door; railing at fifth story replaced; cornice replaced; lights; signage; grille at basement covered with mesh and sheet metal
References: Andrew S. Dolkart, “349 West 86th Street Its History and Significance,” prepared for the Normandy Owners Association, 1997, 5; Manhattan Address Telephone Directories 1930-50; “Manhattan Homes Rented,” NYT, June 29, 1932, 39; Office of the Registrar, New York County, Deeds and Conveyances, Liber 4741, p. 206 (August 2, 1951), Liber 4785, p. 166 (June 4, 1952), Liber 5050, p. 658 (September 19, 1958)