340 West 84th Street

340 West 84th Street


Date: 1888-1889

NB Number: NB 1564-1888

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  Taft, Joseph H.

Developer/Owner/Builder: Nelson M Whipple

Row Configuration: ABBA

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report:  Riverside Drive – West End Historic District Extension I

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Romanesque Revival

Primary Facade:   Brownstone

Stories: 3 and basement

Window Type/Material: See Structure

Basement Type: Unknown

Stoop Type: Unknown

Structure: Significant Architectural Features: Rusticated brownstone base and first story; stone stoop; historic arched entrance with key console, wood and glass double leaf door; band molding marks transition to upper stories and smooth brownstone facade with windows at the second and third stories separated by a dentil band spanning the facade; denticulated and bracketed cornice features a frieze with foliate ornament; Special Windows: Window with segmentally arched transom at first story; round arched stained glass transom above main entrance Decorative Metal Work: Historic iron security grilles at first story and iron security grilles and door at basement

Building Notes: One of the series of buildings following ABBA pattern

Site Features: Recessed areaway

North Facade: Designed (historic) Stoop: Historic stoop (possibly historic gate under stoop) Door(s): Possibly historic primary door; interior door historic, secondary entrance possibly historic Windows: Mixed (upper stories); mixed (basement) Security Grilles: Possibly historic (basement) Cornice: Original Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete Curb Material(s): Stone Areaway Wall/Fence Materials: Brownstone Areaway Paving Material: Concrete

South Facade: Partially designed (historic) (partially visible)

Historic District: Riverside Drive-West End HD Extension I

Alterations: Windows replaced; wood-and-glass double leaf storm door


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