339 West 78th Street

60 Riverside Drive

339 West 78th Street


Date: 1963-65

NB Number: NB 263-1961

Type:  Apartment Building

Architect:  Wechsler and Schimenti

Developer/Owner/Builder: Junior Estates Inc.

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Addendum to the West End-Collegiate Historic District Extension Designation Report

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Modern

Primary Facade:   Brick and Granite

Stories: 20

Historic District: West End-Collegiate HD Extension

Significant Architectural Features: Stone surround at entrance; white brick facade; large triple window openings; balconies with glass railings; stepped back at upper stories.

Alterations: Two light fixtures with exposed conduit at first story; exposed conduit at first story; sidewalk canopy.

Building Notes: Although the entrance is located on the West 78th Street facade the building uses the 60 Riverside Drive address.

South Facade: Designed (historic)
Door(s): Original primary door
Windows: Original
Security Grilles: Possibly historic (upper stories)
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
Curb Material(s): Concrete, bluestone

West Facade: Designed (historic)
Facade Notes: Similar to 78th Street facade; balconies with glass railings; through-wall vents at basement; two garage doors and entrance at northern end; intercom by door; window grilles at first story southern end; exposed conduit at first story; three light fixtures with exposed conduit at first story; two security cameras at first story; concrete areaway with planting area; concrete sidewalk and curb.

East Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Painted brick facade; exposed conduit at first story; metal fence and gate to side yard; metal stairs and railing, planters and three large metal vents in side yard.

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