338 West 72nd Street

338 West 72nd Street


Date: 1889-90

NB Number: NB 1386-1889

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  Townsend, Ralph S.

Developer/Owner/Builder: J. Rufus Smith

Row Configuration: Originally one of nine rowhouses (nos. 322 through 338), no. 338 is the only one that was not demolished for construction of a large apartment house.

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Addendum to the West End-Collegiate Historic District Extension Designation Report

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Romanesque Revival

Primary Facade:   Brick, Brownstone, and Roman Brick

Stories: 4 and basement

Historic District: West End-Collegiate HD Extension

Special Windows: Round-arched window openings at fourth story (contain possibly historic round-arched upper sashes) Significant Architectural Features: Tripartite vertical configur ation; brownstone base with carved details including engaged Corinthian pila sters and rinceau at first story; Roman brick shaft with brownstone or terra-cotta details in cluding engaged pilasters with foliate capitals, continuous molded sills, and capped by a small co rnice with wide frieze; Roman brick capital with round-arched window opening s and brownstone or terra-cott a details includ ing continuous molded lintels and sills, capped by molded cornice with floral details at frieze.

Alterations: Small electrical box towards eastern edge of elevation at first story; small vent opening towards western edge of elevation at second story; storm windows at first and second stories.

Building Notes: Originally one of nine rowhouses (nos. 322 through 338), no. 338 is the only one that was not demolished for construc tion of a large apartmen t house. Historic transom at main entry.

Site Features: Non-original metal handrails at stoo

North Facade : Designed (historic, painted at fi rst story, resurfaced at basement). Stoop: Resurfaced stoop (historic gate under stoop). Door(s): Replaced primary door. Windows: Replaced (upper stories); replaced (basement). Security Grilles: Possibly historic (basement). Cornice: Original Areaway. Wall/Fence Material(s): Concrete/masonry (resurfaced); non- historic metal fencing and gate. Areaway Paving Material(s): Concrete/masonry (resurfaced); square ceramic tiles. Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete. Curb Material(s): Masonry.

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