337 West 87th Street
337 West 87th Street
NB Number:Â NB 123-1893
Type: Â Rowhouse
Architect: Â Thom & Wilson
Developer/Owner/Builder:Â Livingston & Dunn
NYC Landmarks Designation:Â Historic District
Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive- West End Historic District
National Register Designation:Â N/A
Primary Style: Â Renaissance Revival
Primary Facade: Â Â Limestone and tan roman brick
Stories:Â 4 and basement
Window Type/Material:Â One-over-one double-hung/Wood
Basement Type:Â Raised
Stoop Type:Â Long
Structure: Masonry bearing walls;Â These two rowhouses, each nineteen feet wide, are faced in tan Roman brick with limestone basement and parlor stories, and have four stories above raised basements. The houses are mirror images and share a beltcourse above the parlor story. Each house has a three-sided oriel at the second story, and two windows at the basement, parlor, third and fourth stories. The basement and parlor-story windows have engaged columns as mullions. The original windows had one-over-one double-hung wood-framed sash, and the original entrances had wood-framed glazed double doors with a transom (as can be seen at No. 335). The houses have long elegant stoops with a shared banister, the other banisters curve outward toward the area ways. Each house is capped by a metal.cornice.
Selected References: Frank L. Fisher, The Beautiful West Side: A Complete List of West Side Dwellings (New York, c. 1895), 50. New York City Department of Taxes Photograph Collection, Municipal Archives and Record Collection, E 1296.
Historic District: Riverside Drive- West End HD
Alterations:Â This house has exterior sash in the parlor-story windows.