332 Riverside Drive

332 Riverside Drive


Date: 1901-02 (original demolished and replaced in 1963)

Type:  Church and Religious

Architect:  Janes & Leo

Developer/Owner/Builder: Joseph A. Farley (original developer), New York Buddhist Church (current)

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive- West 105th Street Historic District

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Beaux-Arts

Primary Facade:   Brick and Limestone

Description: The elegant brick and limestone house was designed by Janes & Leo as one of a group of three practically identical houses, of which two remain (Nos. 331 and 333). They were all built by Joseph A. Farley in 1901-02. (Look at the entries for Nos. 331 and 333 to see a description of the original building.) The original town house at No. 332 Riverside Drive has been demolished and was replaced in 1963 by a Buddhist church/temple. In front of the temple there is a large bronze statue of Shinran Shonin, the thirteenth century founder of the Jodo-Shinsu sect.

Historic District: Riverside Drive-West 105th Street HD

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