330 West 87th Street

330 West 87th Street


Date: 1890

NB Number: NB 226-1890

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  Minuth, Francis A.

Developer/Owner/Builder: John & David Dunn

Row Configuration: ABABA

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive- West End Historic District

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Queen Anne

Primary Facade:   Brownstone

Stories: 3 with basement

Window Type/Material: One-over-one double-hung/Wood

Basement Type: Raised

Stoop Type: Unknown

Structure: These five, two-bay, three-story houses on raised brownstone basements are each twenty feet wide and fronted in stone. Designed for a unified appearance, the row has two alternating house types distinguished by either a full’-height or a two and a half-story projecting bay at the eastern bay of the facade. The two designs in this row are arranged in an ABABA rhythm. They are further unified by rock-faced brownstone at the basement and uniform window height. There has been some alteration, but it is apparent that all of the houses originally had stoops leading to parlor-story entrances in the flush western bays, one-over-one double-hung wood-framed window sash, molded pressed-metal cornices and basement window grilles with a sunflower motif. No. 330, the only house to.retain its stoop, may have the original wood-framed glazed double door. The type “B” houses (Nos. 326 and 330) have full-height projecting bays with curved sides and flat fronts capped by conical roofs with a front-facing triangular gable, box stoops leading to elaborate arched door surrounds at the parlor story, and carved arches above the second-story windows of the western bay. The parlor-story windows have stained-glass transoms.

Historic District: Riverside Drive- West End HD

Alterations: The building has been resurfaced with brick painted white with black trim. The second- and third-story windows have white aluminum replacement sash. An iron railing has been installed on the lower part of the stoop. The house has lost its original conical roof and gable.


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