326 West 80th Street
Date:Â 1898-1899
NB Number:Â NB 413-98
Type: Â Townhouse
Architect: Â True, Clarence
Developer/Owner/Builder:Â Riverside Building Co. (Clarence True)
NYC Landmarks Designation:Â Historic District
Landmark Designation Report:Â Riverside Drive- West 80th-81st Street Historic District
National Register Designation:Â N/A
Primary Style: Â Elizabethan Renaissance Revival
Primary Facade: Â Â Roman Brick
Stories:Â Four-and-one-half
Window Type/Material:Â One-over-one wood sash windows through-out;Â round-arched windows on the first floor;Â window group with leaded glass and keyed enframement on second floor; west pair of windows with Gibbs surrounds; east angled oriel with brackets, parapet and keyed enframement on third floor;Â round-arched windows with Gibbs surrounds; parapet on bow on fourth floor.
Entrance:Â Recessed round-arched entry with decorative reveals, scroll keystone and composite order fluted half columns supporting brackets which support a decorative balcony/entablature; double-leaf glass and wrought-iron outer doors; round-arched windows and service entrance with keyed enframements and wrought-iron areaway grilles and gate (leaded glass on bowfront); wrought-iron areaway fence
Roof Type/Material:Â Pitched; tile; stepped end walls with chimneys; two dormers with composite order pilasters and shed roofs.
Historic District: Riverside Drive - West 80th - 81st Street HD
Alterations:Â Cornice removed; leaded glass added to second floor windows;
dormer windows modified; entry lamps added.