325 West 87th Street
325 West 87th Street
NB Number:Â NB 70-1889
Type: Â Rowhouse
Architect: Â Minuth, Francis A.
Developer/Owner/Builder: John and David Dunn
NYC Landmarks Designation:Â Historic District
Landmark Designation Report:Â Riverside Drive- West End Historic District
National Register Designation:Â N/A
Primary Style: Â Renaissance Revival
Primary Facade: Â Â Brownstone
Stories: 3 and basement
Basement Type: Raised
Stoop Type: Unknown
Structure: Masonry bearing walls; These two brownstone-fronted rowhouses, each twenty feet wide, are three stories in height above raised basements. No. 325 has been altered, but the buildings retain common window heights and sill course lines. It is likely No. 325 originally had the mansard roof, cornice treatment, and stoop leading to a parlor-story entrance that are retained at No. 323.
Historic District: Riverside Drive- West End HD
Alterations: The stoop has been removed and a basement entrance way created. The building has been completely resurfaced. The cornice line was raised. The windows all have aluminum replacement sash. 11955: Alt 1119-1955 [Source: Alteration Application) The building was converted from a single-family residence to eight apartments.
History: The houses at Nos. 323 and 325 West 87th Street are the survivors of a five house row which originally extended from No. 317 to No. 325. This row was designed by F.A. Minuth for John & David Dunn, developers active in the construction of such rows in the district, and built between February and November of 1889. The row was broken in 1926 when Nos. 317, 319, and 321 were demolished for the erection of a nine-story apartment building.
Selected Reference: New York City Department of Taxes Photograph Collection, Municipal Archives and Record Collection, E1296.