322 West 77th Street

322 West 77th Street


Date: 1891-92

NB Number: NB 955-91 (Alt. 3576-40)

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  Mott, Charles T.

Developer/Owner/Builder: Perez M. Stewart

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: West End – Collegiate Historic District

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Renaissance Revival

Primary Facade:   Brick, Brownstone, Roman Brick, and rusticated brownstone

Stories: 4 with basement

Elements: Four-story rowhouse with basement; rusticated brownstone basement and first floor; shallow swell front of Roman brick framed by quoins and rope twist moldings at the second and third stories; swell front supported on a carved foliate corbel; dentil string course molding at second floor; wrought-iron window grilles at basement.

Historic District: West End - Collegiate HD

Alterations: Converted to multiple dwelling in 1940: fourth floor attic level dormers and main cornice removed and a full fourth story constructed; stoop removed and entry relocated to basement. Storm windows installed at first (parlor) floor; wrought-iron areaway railing and entry lamp added.

History: Built as one of a row of 13 houses (Nos. 308-332; Nos. 314 and 316 demolished ca. 1924). No. 322 as designed, appears to have been similar to No. 328. George L. Elliott owned the house from Sept. 22, 1892, to Nov. 21, 1905. Patrick F. Griffin, who came to New York City in 1881 as head designer for Brokaw Brothers and became a partner of Rogers Peet Co. in 1908, owned No. 322 from May 7, 1906, to 1911.

References: New York City, Department of Buildings, Manhattan, Plans, Permits and Dockets.
New York Times, Oct. 27, 1915, p. 11, “Patrick E. Griffin” (obituary).

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