320 West 78th Street

320 West 78th Street


Date: 1894-95

NB Number: NB 620-94

Block: 1186

Lot: 42

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  Pelham, George F.

Developer/Owner/Builder: Robert Wallace

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: West End – Collegiate Historic District

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Renaissance Revival

Primary Facade:   Brick, Limestone, orange-brown roman brick, Roman Brick, and rusticated limestone

Stories: 5 with basement

Elements: No. 320 is a mirror image of No. 318 West 78th Street. No. 320 also lacks a first floor window grille (possibly the original condition).

318 – No. 318 is identical to No. 310 West 78th Street. No. 318 lacks a first floor window grille (possibly the original condition) .

310 – Five-story rowhouse with basement; rusticated projecting limestone basement and first floor, orange-brown Roman brick facing with limestone trim above; three-story curved bay above first floor; one-over-one wood windows; curved limestone stoop; double-leaf, wood and plate glass entry door; classical detailing including balastrade above first floor, pilasters at second and third floor windows, large shell above center third floor window, dentilled cornice with swag frieze above bay, and deep main cornice with modillions and dentils; wrought-iron window grille at first floor.

Historic District: West End - Collegiate HD

Alterations: Single-leaf, wood and plate glass entry door with wrought-iron grille replaces double-leaf door; storm windows installed throughout; vent installed through facade wall at basement; wrought-iron railing added atop areaway wall at right; early period entry lamp added.

History: Built as one of a row of six houses (Nos. 310-320). As a pair Nos. 318 and 320 were designed to be identical to Nos. 310 and 312 West 78th Street.
Mr. & Mrs. Alex P. W. Kinnan owned the house from 1894-1944. Kinnan was a former president of Dime Savings Bank.

References: New York City, Department of Buildings, Manhattan, Plans, Permits and Dockets. New York Times, Nov. 5, 1944, p. 54, “Alex P. W. Kinnan” (Obituary).

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